If you have a WooCommerce store or if you are planning to create one, you should know that there are endless possibilities that you can achieve with the help of some plugins. You can bring the best customer experience to the customers, market your products or services, improve conversion from the store, and more. This […]
How to Put WordPress in Maintenance Mode & Capture Leads
Wondering how to put WordPress into maintenance mode? Whether you are trying to troubleshoot a bug or rebrand your website, you don’t want to ruin your visitor experience while carrying out any of those activities. Besides, presenting a broken website to your visitors affects your site’s credibility, which can impact future traffic negatively. Putting your […]
How To Create a WordPress Paywall For Your Content
Creating a content paywall is the easiest way to monetize your WordPress blog. Ads are annoying and degrade the user experience. And getting accepted in a good ad network requires that your blog gets hundreds of thousands of visitors. Creating a product or a course can take months or even years; after all that effort, […]
5 Best WooCommerce Upsell & Cross Sell Plugins
Want to increase your store’s average order value or your customer’s lifetime value? A WooCommerce upsell and cross-sell plugin will help you do just that. WooCommerce offers built-in options that can help you upsell and cross-sell your products but it doesn’t offer you any flexibility and control. That’s where 3rd party plugins come in. In […]
How to Engage New and Returning Website Visitors in WordPress
As a website owner, you need to think about new and returning site visitors as two different audience segments. This way, you can produce content and target your messages towards both audiences. By dividing all visitors into two separate segments – returning website visitors and new website visitors – you can enhance marketing campaigns, generate […]
WooCommerce: How to Boost Online Sales With Targeting
Business growth is critical for the success of all companies, especially for fueling your operations and enhancing products and services. If you want your business to be sustainable, increasing sales is one of the most important ways to propel its growth. Attracting new customers is certainly important for business growth. However, converting your leads into […]