Category: WordPress Tutorials

How to Enable Admin Approval For WooCommerce User Registration

How to Enable Admin Approval For WooCommerce User Registration

Do you want to set up user moderation that enables the admin approval feature of every new user in your WooCommerce store? If you run a WooCommerce store, user registration is one feature you will need. However, enabling an open user registration system may open your WooCommerce store to spam registrations and unwanted users. WordPress […]

How to Approve New WordPress Users After Registration

How to Approve New WordPress Users After Registration

Would you like to approve new WordPress users after registration on your website? When running a WordPress membership site or one that allows user sign-ups, you will inevitably encounter spam registrations. To avoid this, it’s important to approve new WordPress users before granting them access to your site. This approach helps reduce spam and enables […]

Redirect WordPress Users After Login & Registration – Full Guide

Redirect WordPress Users After Login & Registration – Full Guide

Do you want to redirect WordPress users after login and registration on your site? WordPress user redirects after login and registration allow website owners to customize the user experience by directing users to a specific landing page, such as a frontend account dashboard, homepage, or personalized welcome page, instead of the default WordPress admin dashboard. […]

How to Open Fluent Forms in a Popup/Lightbox/Modal in WordPress

How to Open Fluent Forms in a Popup/Lightbox/Modal in WordPress

With Fluent Forms, you can effortlessly design forms and seamlessly integrate them into your WordPress posts and pages. This guide will demonstrate how to showcase your forms elegantly and professionally by utilizing the lightbox, popup, or modal display options. These features will allow your forms to stand out and captivate your audience’s attention, making your […]