Category: WooCommerce

How to Enable Admin Approval For WooCommerce User Registration

How to Enable Admin Approval For WooCommerce User Registration

Do you want to set up user moderation that enables the admin approval feature of every new user in your WooCommerce store? If you run a WooCommerce store, user registration is one feature you will need. However, enabling an open user registration system may open your WooCommerce store to spam registrations and unwanted users. WordPress […]

How to Add WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients for New Orders

How to Add WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients for New Orders

The new order email notifications that come with WooCommerce out of the box are pretty basic. Here’s what the email notification experience is like for customers and admins: Customer emails – You can send the email to one customer email address only. So, customers waste time by manually forwarding emails to colleagues. For example, if […]