How to Create Mailjet Email Subscribe Forms in WordPress

Mailjet is an email solution for teams to create, send, and monitor marketing emails, transactional emails, and SMS.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate MailOptin with Mailjet. That way, you can start capturing and saving leads to your Mailjet account directly from your WordPress website.

Before you start

Ensure that you’ve connected Mailjet by saving your account API and secret keys to its connection settings. If you haven’t, follow this guide.

Creating Opt-in forms

First, open your WordPress admin dashboard then click on MailOptin > Optin Campaigns.

open the campaigns page

Next, click the Add New button at the top of the page to create a new opt-in form.

create a new campaign

Give your new opt-in campaign a name…

naming an optin campaign

… then select a theme for the campaign you want to create.

MailOptin will create your new campaign then redirect you to the campaign customizer where you have options and the flexibility to customize the opt-in form any way you like.

MailOptin WordPress Optin form builder

See: Adding Extra Fields to Your Optin Form

Connecting Mailjet to an opt-in campaign

Having finished customizing the form, open the Integrations panel to configure Mailjet…

open integrations panel

… then select Mailjet in Email Provider dropdown and the list to subscribe users to. You also have the option to enable double optin. Which means, subscribers will have to confirm their subscription before they are added to your Mailjet email list.

mailjet integration details

To actually get the opt-in to display on your site, toggle the activate switch ON at the top (close to “Save Changes” button).

save email campaign

Navigate to the “Display Rules” panel.

If you want the opt-in form to be displayed everywhere (all pages) of your WordPress site, also check “Globally load optin” otherwise use the page level targeting and triggers to determine how and where in your site the opt-in will be shown.

MailOptin display rules and targetingPage level targeting of optin forms

Finally, save the changes. Preview your website and you should see the opt-in displayed. If it doesn’t show up, be sure to clear your website and browser cache.

Follow the guides below to learn how to create other popular types of email opt-in form. And don’t forget to select Mailjet at the Integration panel.

Tags: mailjet