MailOptin Update – Mailgun Integration, Improvements and More

We are thrilled to introduce the latest update, Version, bringing you new integrations and crucial bug fixes to enhance your overall experience with MailOptin.

Let’s delve into the fundamental changes.

What’s New:

Added Mailgun Integration:

You can now connect your Mailgun account to MailOptin. With this new integration, you can add email subscribers to your Mailgun mailing list and send them emails from WordPress.

Added E-goi Integration

With this new integration, you can add email subscribers to your E-goi email marketing list and send them emails from WordPress.

Added Ultimate Member Integration

The new Ultimate Member integration with MailOptin will allow you to synchronize user data effortlessly.

Added iContact Integration

Connect your iContact to MailOptin and enhance your email marketing campaigns. The new iContact integration with MailOptin will allow you to add email subscribers to your iContact mailing list and send them emails from WordPress.

Bug Fixes

  • Trigger Optin Error on CC v3 Subscription Failure: We fixed a bug related to the Constant Contact v3 subscription where errors failed to be triggered and logged.
  • Fixed Bug with Unsubscribed List: Leads are now correctly removed from the unsubscribed list upon resubscription, ensuring accurate and up-to-date data in the leadbank.

These updates aim to enhance the overall functionality and performance of the product. As always, we recommend keeping your software up to date so you can benefit from these improvements and avoid any known issues.

Be sure to update to the latest version to take advantage of this new feature. You can update your MailOptin plugin from your website’s dashboard by navigating to Dashboard>>Updates. You can also download the latest version from your MailOptin account dashboard.

If you encounter any problems or have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Happy updating!

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.