How to Create a Split Test (A/B Test) in MailOptin

A/B testing in WordPress with MailOptin

MailOptin A/B Testing was built from the ground up to be the best and most conversion-boosting testing tool you will ever use. It allows you to create different variations of an opt-in that will be shown to different visitors. Over time, you can see which one is resulting in the most sign-ups and then given the option to pick the highest performing variation to be your main version.

A/B testing in WordPress with MailOptin

This guide will walk you through how to split test your optin campaigns in MailOptin.

We assumed that you have already created your first campaign. If you have not done that yet, check out this guide to learn how.

Creating Optin Campaign Split Test

Firstly, go to the optin campaign you want to split test in Optin Campaigns dashboard and click the More Options or Ellipses button.

Optin campaigns listing ellipses button

Next, select the A/B Split Test from the list of available actions.

More button actions

A form will be shown requiring you to give the split test or variant a name as well as a note of the changes you will be making to the variant.

Create split test form

Finally, click the Create Split Test button and then, you will be redirected to the optin form builder so you can make your changes such as changing the headline, description, note, styles or the display triggers.

We recommend you make only a single change between each variant so you can accurately determine which modification returns better conversions because, the more changes you make,  the less reliable your A/B testing becomes.


Q: Why am I not seeing the activation switch/toggle at the top of the form builder?

A: All split test variants are automatically activated on creation hence, no need for the activation toggle switch. However, the parent, primary or main optin campaign can be activated/deactivated which affects all its variant. That is, if you deactivate the primary opt-in campaign, all variants under it will automatically be deactivated which disabled the display of both the primary and variant campaigns.

A/B testing with MailOptin

Q: What happens when you pause a split test?

A: All variants will be disabled from displaying to your visitors and users. However, the main or primary optin campaign will continue to be shown. You can always start a paused split test.

Q: Can I change my split test notes later?

A: Of course you can. From the Optin Campaign dashboard, click on the name or select the Edit button for the split test you wish to edit. In the Form Builder’s Configuration panel, scroll down until you see the Split Test Notes field.

Field displaying and to modify split test note

Q: What happens when I end and select a winner?

A: As your test runs, you can observe the conversion rate of each opt-in. You can see the conversion rate displayed in the list of opt-ins (as well as in Analytics page). Once you are satisfied with the results, click the “END & PICK WINNER” button which popup a list of all the variations for you to select the winner.

Selecting A/B test winner

Do note that selecting a winner will delete the other variants.