How to Create a WordPress Payment Form with ProfilePress

Do you want to create WordPress payment forms to charge one-time and recurring payments?

If you run an online business, it’s essential to have a way to collect payments from your customers. The easiest way to do this and provide a good user experience is to have a payment form on your WordPress website.

With a payment form, you can easily accept one-time, recurring, or custom payments without needing a complex shopping cart. Although WordPress doesn’t have an in-built payment processing feature, you can easily add one with plugins like ProfilePress.

In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of payment forms and how to quickly start accepting payments on your site with a WordPress payment form built using the ProfilePress Plugin.

Why Use a WordPress Payment Form?

If you want to sell online, using a payment form on your WordPress site offers several benefits over other payment collection or checkout systems. Payment forms are easy to use, flexible, and provide a great customer experience, making them a smart choice for any business owner. Here are some of the advantages of using a payment form.

  • Easy Setup: Collecting payments through a form on your website is simpler and faster than creating a whole eCommerce website. By using appropriate tools, you can begin receiving payments on your site within just 30 minutes. Creating payment forms is a breeze, particularly with the help of plugins like ProfilePress.
  • Customization: For online businesses, having customizable payment forms is crucial. These forms allow you to accept one-time payments or subscription payments and offer various options for your products. Payment forms provide flexibility that is not found in other checkout systems.
  • User Experience: Customers are used to filling out forms daily, so incorporating a payment form on your website can simplify their purchasing process. This can enhance their overall experience and reduce the likelihood of failed transactions.

Introducing ProfilePress Payment Form Plugin

ProfilePress is a feature-packed Modern Ecommerce, User Profile & WordPress Membership Plugin that enables you to sell digital products, create membership sites, and control your website content.

ProfilePress comes with a drag-and-drop form builder, invoice & receipts, membership plans, content locking feature, payment gateway integrations, email marketing, and many more features you will need as a website and business owner.

ProfilePress is an all-in-one solution for business owners with many unique features that most other plugins do not provide. Some of its features include:

  • Multiple Payment Gateways
  • Multiple modes of payments
  • Email Notification
  • PDF Receipt
  • Email marketing
  • Easy Paywall Setup
  • Optimized Checkout
  • Easy Paywall Setup
  • And more.

In the sections below, I will show you how to install and activate ProfilePress, integrate a payment gateway, and use it to create payment forms on your WordPress site.

Installing ProfilePress

The first step in this process is to install and activate the ProfilePress plugin. You will need to purchase a ProfilePress Pro License and install the ProfilePress plugin. To do that, go to the ProfilePress website to purchase a suitable license plan.

After purchasing your copy of the ProfilePress Plugin, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to download the plugin zip file and your license key. You can also download the plugin from your account page on the ProfilePress website.

Once you have downloaded the plugin, login to your WordPress admin dashboard, and navigate to the Plugins page; click on the “Add New” button and click “Upload Plugin.”

Next, click “Choose file” to select the previously downloaded plugin zip file. Click “Install Now.”

After installation is complete, click the Activate Plugin button.

At the top of the page, you will see a notification that says, “ProfilePress needs to create several pages,” Click on the “Create Pages” button to complete the plugin setup.

If you do not see this notification, navigate to ProfilePress > Dashboard and click the “Create pages” button to complete the plugin setup.

With this done, we have completed the initial setup of the ProfilePress plugin on our WordPress site.

Integrate Payment Gateways

After the ProfilePress installation and activation, the next step is to set up a Payment Method for our WordPress payment forms. For this example, we will set up the stripe payment gateway, which is in-built into the ProfilePress plugin.

You can configure the Stripe payments on your site by navigating to ProfilePress > Settings > Payments > Payment Methods and choosing Stripe.

Click on the “Connect Stripe” button, follow the prompts, and you are all set to start accepting payments from your customers.

Aside from Stripe, ProfilePress supports other popular payment gateways like PayPal, Razorpay, Paystack, and Mollie.

Create Checkout & Order Confirmation Pages

The checkout page lets customers enter payment and billing details before purchasing your product or subscription plan. In contrast, the order confirmation page displays the order details, including the order status and amount paid.

By default, these pages are created on installation. If they are missing on your site, go to Pages > Add New. Name the page as Checkout and then add the shortcode:

Your cart is currently empty. Click here to get started.

Also, create another page and name it the “Order Confirmation” page and add the shortcode:

Invalid order

Finally, go to ProfilePress > Settings > Pages. Scroll to the “Payment Pages” section and select the “Checkout Page” and “Order Success Page.”

If you want to change the checkout fields, go to ProfilePress > Settings > Payments > Checkout Fields to add or remove fields according to your need.

Creating a Payment Form

Creating a payment form with ProfilePress starts with creating a membership plan. In ProfilePress, a membership plan allows you to sell a product or service. It is a simple way to sell items on your WordPress site quickly.

In this example, we will be creating an eBook membership plan. This will allow us to sell our recipe book to our site visitors.

Go to ProfilePress >> Membership Plans to create a new membership plan.

Click on “Add New Plan,” and you will be taken to the page where you can add a plan and set up the details for your product. After filling in the details, set the price, subscription length, and billing frequency you want to associate with this plan.

In the Subscription Settings section, you get the select the billing frequency. You can ask your potential customers for a one-time payment or allow them to subscribe monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly.

In the subscription length option, customers can renew indefinitely until they cancel or set a fixed number of payments. And depending on your business type, you can offer a free trial and a one-time signup fee.

Once you are done editing the membership plan, click “Save Plan” to save your changes. You can create more than one plan by following the above steps.

Every membership plan includes a checkout link to add to your product landing page or pricing page where users can purchase the product.

Go to ProfilePress > Membership Plans, and you should see a checkout page link associated with the membership plan you created above.

Implementing the Checkout URL

Now that we have created a product for sale and have a checkout URL allowing our customers to pay for our product, we set up our site so that users can find their way to the payment form on our checkout page.

So, we will create a landing page for our eBook and then add a “Buy Now” button to redirect our users to the payment form when they click on it.

Navigate to Pages > Add New, enter a title for the page – Recipe Book, add some information about the product, and then insert a button block with a “Buy Now” text.

Next, click the link icon on the button and paste your checkout URL in the link field.

This will ensure that users are redirected to the WordPress payment form when they click the buy button to complete their purchase. Alternatively, you can use hyperlinked text to the checkout page. It’d be essential to include the checkout URL somewhere on your site where your visitor can find it.

The image above displays our payment form, enabling us to gather customers’ personal information and accept payments through two activated payment gateways on our WordPress site – Stripe and PayPal.

With ProfilePress, selling and receiving payment via a WordPress form is effortless.


A conversion-optimized payment form is essential for any online business, especially if it’s a small business that doesn’t require a complete eCommerce solution.

With a WordPress payment form, you can provide a user-friendly payment option to boost conversions and satisfy your customers.

This article showcases how you can use the ProfilePress plugin to create flexible payment forms on your WordPress website.

You can get your copy of ProfilePress today and start building simple payment solutions for your customers.

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