Connect WordPress Comment Form to Salesforce

MailOptin allows you to connect WordPress Comment Form to Salesforce in a matter of minutes and without a single line of code.

WordPress Comment Form + Salesforce Integration

The WordPress comment form lets visitors, users, and readers leave comments on articles and posts on your blog.

Do you know the WordPress comment form can be an excellent source of generating leads?

With MailOptin, you can automatically subscribe users to Salesforce that comment on your WordPress site. You can also add a newsletter subscription checkbox to let commenters decide whether to opt-in.

Connect the WordPress comment form to Salesforce today with MailOptin without any coding skills.

Many Other Integrations

MailOptin also integrates with many popular email marketing software, CRMs, analytics, social networks & WordPress solutions

Campaign Monitor

Ready to get started?

MailOptin converts visitors to leads and constantly keep your list subscribers engaged with email automation.