Connect Ultimate Member to Gist

MailOptin allows you to connect Ultimate Member to Gist in a matter of minutes and without a single line of code.

Ultimate Member + Gist Integration

Ultimate Member is a popular WordPress membership plugin for creating user profiles, registration forms, login forms, member directories, and more. It is designed to help you build powerful online communities and membership sites with ease.

MailOptin can automatically sync users that register to your site via any Ultimate Member registration form to your Gist email list or give them the option to decided whether to subscribe or not during user registration.

You can also add registered users to a specific Gist list based on the registration form they are signed up from.

Many Other Integrations

MailOptin also integrates with many popular email marketing software, CRMs, analytics, social networks & WordPress solutions

Campaign Monitor

Ready to get started?

MailOptin converts visitors to leads and constantly keep your list subscribers engaged with email automation.