How to Build High Converting Optin Forms & Identify Traffic Sources

When you are ready to invest real money into your lead generation strategy, you are likely to become interested in different types of opt-in forms. The other important thing is discovery of best high converting form examples proven to work in different niche markets.

As simple as the task seems, this could lead you into an endless cycle of time consuming research. For one thing, there is a good number of affordable lead generation tools competing within the space.

Even when you find some of the best opt-in form examples that worked for others, your problem still remains unsolved. There is no guarantee that those beautiful templates will work for your peculiar niche market, content, type and stage of business.

Practically, most of your decisions within this context are likely to be based on tricky assumptions.

For example, you probably have no clear idea of the best blog traffic sources or prospective customer segments that convert more than the others. Obviously, you and I know that groping in the dark is the best strategy to win the fierce competition quality leads in your niche.

And now the low conversion rates you experience proves the point. So in addition to taking guesswork out of your lead generation strategy, this post will help you identify both the best lead capture forms as well as traffic sources that really converts.

Here are some specific actions you can take to make it happen. Eventually, putting this to work could lead to that higher conversion rate you’ve always wanted.

Choosing Your Blog Traffic Sources

With advanced lead generation tools like MailOptin, it’s always possible to convert blog readers into quality leads without additional traffic. But in the case that your current traffic volume is really low, that means you need improvement in this regard. Check out this post containing 107 business blog promotion strategies. However, it is important that you narrow down your traffic sources.

By narrowing down your options, you’ll have a better idea about the nature and quality of visitors that will be coming to your website in the first place. This will also make it easier to track and understand opt-in form conversion and performance within varying contexts.

In a seemingly broad but narrowed manner, below are some of the best traffic sources that can be useful for identification of high converting opt-in forms.

  • Paid Search Advertising – you can use this source to promote your website while bringing traffic to different types of opt-in forms


  • Search Engine Optimization – during and after content creation, leveraging proven SEO strategies has high ROI potential. And the interesting thing is that traffic volume and ROI doesn’t depend on the size of your budget, unlike paid advertising.


  • Facebook Ads – depending on where you choose to integrate your lead generation forms, Facebook advertising has deep targeting capabilities that can increase inflow of quality traffic
  • Organic Social Promotion – social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others can deliver a good amount of traffic that sees your forms


  • Review Websites and Directories – when people are looking for specific products and services, they visit review websites to find past user opinions. If you are running a software business for instance, some SaaS review sites and directories include Capterra, G2Crowd, Software Advice, GetApp and many more. See this post for 60 other websites like these.

Please note that these are some, not all of the traffic sources that can deliver quality leads. Let’s move on towards identification of high converting opt-in forms that work really well. Before going forward, you may want to identify the following –

  1. The exact sources currently delivering highest volume of traffic to your website
  2. The most trafficked pages on your website. You can use Google Analytics for both.

Leveraging Form Display Rules

What is form display rule?

In simple terms, these are preset and automation rules that determine when and where opt-in lead generation forms are displayed. With regard to website visitors, such rules also determine which form is seen by which segment. Are you now seeing how form display rules and email marketing segmentation can help to increase conversion rate? Now you know what it is, let’s look at some examples.

Time On Site – with this feature of MailOptin, you can choose to display your forms immediately on page load or within specific duration of time like 30 seconds to 10 minutes. Note, you can as well choose the type of opt-in form to display in this manner and then measure conversion accordingly.

Page Scroll Trigger – when visitors, especially blog readers scroll toward the end of your page, it is a sign of engagement. Here you can leverage preset percentage to display your forms only to readers that have reached the end or middle of the page.

Click Launcher – regarding this one, visitors need to click a linked call to action (CTA) button or image in order for the form to display. The marketing psychology here is that by asking viewers to click before getting the value promised, only the interested ones will click. Once again, there are tools that make it possible to measure how such forms convert.

Device Targeting – this one is very much understandable. The options are to display forms on desktop, tablet or smartphone. Probably, conversion rate across these device targeting options will actually differ. So you need to find out which one converts more than the other.

Multilingual Display Rule – regardless of the type of business you run, there is a great chance that some of your visitors come from non-English speaking countries. With the right tools, you’ll become enabled to display opt-in forms to visitors from different countries. For example, you can decide to display forms on Spanish, French and German versions of your website. This will also make it possible to identify which countries converts more than the other.

Referral Display Rule – Now remember the traffic sources mentioned earlier. Our powerful lead generation software will automatically detect the traffic source a website visitor is coming from and then display any type of form you choose based on specified traffic sources.

For example, you can display three different types of opt-in forms across three highest traffic sources like Google, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. And then after some time, the results will show which types of form and traffic sources convert more than the others.

NOTE – if your website is currently generating 5000 – 20,000 or more visitors per month, you should be able to identify the highest referral sources as wells as most trafficked pages.

Now, by levering the exact display rules discussed here and individual traffic source, you’ll be enabled to increase lead generation conversion rate without additional traffic. You just have to enter the traffic source URL in the appropriate space within your form display setting options.

In case you are currently spending money on social media and business blogging, this is something that will definitely prove beneficial.

The Role of Split Testing

There are different benefits that can be experienced by putting your lead generation ideas to test. When you think about variations in traffic sources, types of opt-in forms and display rules, there are areas where you certainly have to rely on assumptions. And that is where planned split testing of your initial campaign can help before committing your entire budget.

Said simply, this is all about creating two or more combination of variables in order to discover the ones that will give you the best results. As noted earlier, researching proven examples of high converting forms is good. But intelligent testing will give you real data.

So that your content marketing, social media marketing and lead generation strategy doesn’t have to be based 100% on guesswork and blind luck.


As I have noted earlier in the beginning, doing a little research to find the best high converting opt-in form examples often prove useful. However, there is no guarantee that what worked for other people’s businesses in other niche markets will work for you. Probably, most of your decisions in this context had been dependent on assumptions.

While there are different traffic sources you can choose from, all of them are very likely to deliver unequal value in terms of conversion rate and ROI. So in order to discover the source or combination of variables that will give you greater results, split testing is highly recommended.

For this purpose, you have to invest real money in the best lead generation software. Doing this makes the whole process easier for everyone, including business owners without developer hiring budget or technical skills.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.