7 Lead Generation Strategies That Will Double Your Conversion Rate

Ensuring that quality leads are interacting with your product, should be the daily goal of every business.

What are Leads?

Leads are prospective customers or clients that have a high potential of paying for your product or service.

Today, top marketers are using sustainable lead generation strategies to ensure that the daily attraction of quality leads to their businesses is on an upward trajectory.

Here are highly effective strategy details, you can use to generate many more organic qualified leads daily for your business.

Set up these strategies and watch your lead generation grow daily.

Roll up your sleeve and let’s begin, shall we?

Post Quality Content on Your Blog at Least 2-3 Times a Week

After analyzing a research study from 1400 companies, they showed a direct correlation between how many blogs pages are indexed by google and the amount of blog traffic a site gets.

As a matter of fact, increasing your pages by 50-100 can bring as high as double-digit blog traffic growth.

It is quite obvious that the more blogs post, which make up “pages” in your blog, you create and get indexed, the more blog traffic you’ll get, and more business leads and more money you will ultimately generate.

Call Customers to Action with Multiple Opt-In Pop-Ups and Forms

The rule is that you should create opt-in forms to display on all pages of your website. All your pages should carry an opt-in form that encourages people to sign up for more information or freebies. However, ensure that you offer quality packages and they should be related to the service or information that is reflected on that page.

You can use mailoptin to design forms that would tell your, website visitors, to give their information for freebies, updates, and packages such as;

  • Quality updates
  • Sign up for a webinar
  • Starting a free trial
  • Download an ebook.

Basically, offer something that gives them more value than what they have seen on the website and all they need to do is make a few clicks. Anybody that drops their information automatically shows you that they have an interest in your product.

Join and Create Facebook Groups

The purpose of facebook groups is to bring people that share a similar interest in one space. This remains an asset that a lot of businesses are yet to take advantage of. Here are two key ways, you can take advantage of it.

Join groups to contribute: Join groups around your service and product niche and contribute meaningfully when you can. This way you can easily answer a question or drop a post with your link to your landing page or blog that has a lead capture ready to collect leads for your business.

Create a closed group around the services you offer: This is particularly useful because people join facebook groups daily without you having to do any work for it. You can simply add a link to your landing page that offers a quality freemium or freebie on the;

  • Description of the group
  • The header image of the group

You can also ask for their email as a required question to answer before they can join the group.

Invest in Facebook and Instagram Stories Ads

Facebook and Instagram stories ads, at this moment, are highly underpriced. They are the best elements to generate traffic and leads.

Because of the way they are designed, they are hard to miss, and they are very engaging. The other cool thing about Facebook and Instagram stories is that people can engage you immediately through the facebook messenger as regards the product or service that you might be promoting. You would also have to update it daily since it disappears every 24 hours.

Rank for Localized Search with Google Business

Google search engine results give preference to Google business pages when people search for products and services with their location. Setting up and updating your google business account is an easy way to get increasing leads daily.

The amazing thing with google business is that you can see your traffic and customer engagements in real-time, post updates, offers and links and watch your lead generation increase.

Use Twitter Cards to Get a Significant Increase

Twitter cards are an invaluable resource for continuous lead generation. First, is because they are specially designed for it and the other is because they can be pinned to your twitter account for a long while, as they smoothly send leads to you. All that a twitter card requires when a user clicks on it, is their email address.

Not only is it very precise, so it makes it impossible for users to abandon the form and then it is also easy to set up.

You simply go to your twitter account, click on you’re the profile menu, click on twitter ads, click on “creative” and then you can customize your twitter card. By customizing it with the url link of where you want your leads to go to. Add a title and description and it would hang on your page.

Use Facebook Live to Engage and Capture Leads

Video content has been observed to have much more engagement on the internet. Even better, research shows that 80% of social media users watch videos as opposed to reading content.

People feel more comfortable when they can engage with you on a live video.

Facebook live, makes it easy for you to create video content that your followers and potential customers you invite can engage with you in real-time. You can use the comment section to re-emphasize on offers and links that you want people to take action on.

People who aren’t able to see the video when it was live, can click to view it later. It becomes a valuable content resource that can keep sending leads to you as people watch it.


Getting massive leads should not be a one-off thing or something that only occurs when you have a massive advertising campaign. You can take advantage of these strategies to provide a steady and clear channel for daily lead generation for your business.

Setting up and following these strategies through might take you some time, but when you implement them and keep adding to it, you would see consistent and increasing growth.

If you try them, I would like to know if these strategies work for you and what strategies are working for you.

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