Meet MailOptin: Best Jetpack Subscription Alternative Plugin for WordPress

Jetpack is one of the most popular WordPress plugin that does a lot of things, including security, design, and performance related issues on your site.

It has a module called Jetpack subscription for sending email notifications to your WordPress site subscribers each time you publish a new post. However, it has a lot of draw backs.

For example, you cannot change or customize the email template used for sending out the new post notification and you are not allowed to send out custom emails to your subscribers.

The form provided by Jetpack subscription is ugly and can only capture subscribers email address.

The only way out of it is to export your subscribers to a newsletter service like MailChimp or AWeber before custom emails can be sent. This is a very cumbersome process because you can’t easily export with one click without jumping though hoops.

Without his further ado, there is a Jetpack subscription alternative that solves complex problems like this, using smart features:

Introducing MailOptin: The Best Alternative to Jetpack Subscription

When it comes to lead generation and list building, MailOptin WordPress Plugin is a very powerful tool that can really improve your conversion rate. It has all the features that addresses several needs of email marketers, including the popular exit-intent feature that makes optin forms less intrusive.

Unlike Jetpack subscription that only captures email addresses, it can also capture subscriber’s name and and other custom or extra data about them you might be interested in.

Adding extra custom fields to WordPress optin form

MailOptin ships with a robust email automation feature that allows you send out newsletters to your subscribers automatically every time you publish a new post. It can also send out round up of your posts to your subscribers on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

What makes MailOptin unique and different from Jetpack subscription and other solutions like MailPoet is, it integrates with your email marketing software (such as MailChimp, MailerLite, AWeber, Constant Contact) and send the email to your subscribers on your behalf. You no longer have to write and send email update to your subscribers each time you publish a new piece on your blog.

Unlike Jetpack subscription, you can customize the email template to your heart content or code your own from scratch.

MailOptin saves a backup of subscribers to your list which you can export at any time easily.

Other benefits you will get from MailOptin are:

You can schedule when you want to send out your emails, restrict the emails to certain categories and tags and the ability to send out emails to a segment of your email list.

Although these are possible in Jetpack subscription, you have to be a techie or have coding knowledge to pull it off.


Jetpack subscription module takes away the privilege of having a full control over your newsletter.

Jetpack attempts to solve a lot of problems and it has been significantly impressive, but if you want to do is add email subscription to your blog.

Get the best email automation and newsletter plugin for WordPress today.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.