How to Connect WordPress With Kit (ConvertKit)

ConvertKit account info page

MailOptin offers seamless integration with Kit (ConvertKit) email marketing service. Follow the step-by-step guide below to learn how to connect MailOptin with your Kit (ConvertKit) account.

Go to the Integrations settings page by either clicking the sidebar menu link or the top menu tabs.

MailOptin plugin menu

At the Kit (ConvertKit) Connection section, click the Kit account link beneath the API key text field to log in to your account.

ConvertKit connection settings page

After logging in, you will be redirected to your account settings, where you will find your API key and API secret.

ConvertKit account info page

Copy and paste them into their respective settings fields.

If you plan to use MailOptin to send emails to your Kit (ConvertKit) subscribers, we highly recommend you create a blank custom HTML email template so as not to distort our email design. See the “Creating a Custom Kit (ConvertKit) Email Template” section below.

Don’t forget to enter the template name in the settings.

Finally, save your changes.

Creating a Custom Kit (ConvertKit) Email Template

To create a blank template, follow the steps below.

From the templates page in your account, click the ‘New Email Template’ button from the right sidebar.

Then on the next page, click ‘Use HTML Editor’.

Enter a name for the template and paste the code below to the “Template HTML” field.

{{ message_content }}

<div style="margin: 10px auto;padding:10px"><a href="{{ unsubscribe_link }}">Unsubscribe</a> | <a href="{{ subscriber_preferences_url }}">Update your profile</a> | {{ address }}</div>

If your MailOptin email template or the message already contains your address, you can remove the {{ address }} variable from the Kit template above.

Having completed the setup, you can now start capturing leads.

Tags: convertkit

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.