5 Best Push Notification Tools for WordPress Sites

Push notifications make it easy to connect and engage your website visitors to get them coming back after they leave your site.

This is why major internet businesses like Facebook use push notifications. Are you looking to use a push notification tool, we have taken out time to get the best push notification tools for your WordPress website.

What is a push notification?

This is a small pop message that comes up when a site visitor is about to leave a website. It displays a message asking if they would like to receive notifications from that website. The site visitor has the option to choose to allow or not.

There are so many advantages of push notifications, not only do they have more clickthrough rate than any other form of customer engagement, but they are also more effective in grabbing the attention of the website visitor.

They appear with a simple message at the top of the screen so that the person doesn’t need to click open to read.

Below is a list of the top five push notification tools any small, medium or large scale internet business can subscribe to.


PushEngage is one of the foremost push notifications plugins available. Definitely one of the best out there. It tops our list because of its easy to use interface, reliability and possession of the features needed to help you have a robust customer engagement process.

It works well on chrome, firefox, and safari browser. It has a free and premium plan. The free plan is unlimited and you can send notifications to 2,500 site visitors with 120 notifications in a month.

Its premium plan starts from $25, you can start with a free plan to see if it fits into your preferences, but it serves well for a small business.

Push assist is also used by major brands like Dominos and Harvard business review. The premium account allows you to send to up to 500,000 subscribers.

It comes with targeted opt-in triggers but this is the only feature you get on the free account. Its premium plan has features such as drip autoresponders, access to manage multiple sub-accounts, custom branding, time zone segmentation and A/B testing and goal tracking.


Used by Harvard university, Hotjar, buffer and other major brands. Beamer allows you a free plan that lets you reach up to 1,000 subscribers.

Its free plan is for an unlimited time. But it’s premium is quite expensive starting at $49 but Beamer lets you have a free trial before you start the premium plan.

The free plan gives you event tracking and targeting features, but its premium plan comes with a bouquet of other features such as in-app messaging, event tracking, tags, custom domain, detailed analytics, the use of one account to manage multiple accounts and also work with your team.

You can also customize your notifications. and get feedback from users.

Beamer also allows easy integration with over 1000 apps. Beamer makes our top push notification plugins because it has more advanced features and yet comes with great service features for a growing business.


OneSignal comes with a free and paid plan, it allows you to send targeted messages, use data tags and A/B testing on its free plan.

One signal is also less expensive when compared to other push notifications plugins and the features they offer.

Its free plan allows you to send push notifications to at least 1,000 subscribers and you can start its premium plan with $9 and reach up to 500,000 subscribers.

One unique feature of OneSignal is that it shows you a notification-confirmed delivery report. It also allows you to set a push notification pop-up to come up after a certain amount of time spent on the website.


Pushassist gives you push notification on Safari, Chrome and Firefox browser. It allows you to segment your audience and set up messages to get to your site visitors based on event triggers.

You can also personalize your push notification with push assist by using the settings to upload your logo and add an attention-grabbing header.

It has both a free and paid plan, with the free version for up to 3,000 subscribers while its premium plan starts at $9 from $3,500 subscribers.

You can only schedule messages on the premium plan but the free plan goes a long way to give you other useful features. It has an easy to use interface that shows you your engagement report all in one place. It also features real-time tracking and integrations to apps.

It allows you to make money with your website if you are a small business by sending messages through your notifications for other businesses.


Izooto is a robust push notification plugin, it works well on both desktop and mobile. It works on safari, chrome, explorer and edge, firefox.

Izooto features geolocation targeting, local timezone targeting, customization, device targeting and it allows you to manage multiple websites.

Izooto doesn’t have a free plan, it allows you to start with a free trial for its premium plans that costs from $80 for a maximum of 30,000 subscribers.


Using push notifications helps you increase your click-through rates more than any other kind of customer engagement tool. Hence boosts revenue.

It eliminates hoops that customers would normally go through before seeing your message.

These top push notification tools above can help you scale as a small business or maximize productivity as a large scale business.

PushEngage and Beamer are our top picks to give you all you need for a push notification tool and helps you expand easily with its wide range of features.

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