New in MailOptin: A/B Testing, More Optin Form Theme, Performance Improvements & More!

We are super stoked to announce the release of a new MailOptin version which brings a ton of new features you are going to love.

Without further ado, here are some of the notable additions to MailOptin.

A/B Testing

A/B testing in WordPress with MailOptin

By far the most requested feature is the A/B testing, also known as split testing. It allows you to create different variations of an opt-in that will be shown to different visitors. Over time, you can see which one is resulting in the most sign-ups and then given the option to pick the highest performing variation to be your main version. Check out the documentation on how it work.

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More Optin Form Themes

This release also saw the introduction of new opt-in themes. We are very sure you will love them.

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Performance Improvements

We did a small design refresh to the form and email template builder as well increase it’s speed by removing assets added by other plugins and themes which tend to slow it down.

MailOptin is pretty fast and doesn’t slow down your website frontend thanks to it aggressive caching and cache busting as well as making just two HTTP requests (for it CSS and JavaScript files with a small size because it’s compressed and minified). In this release, we gave the backend some speed love by ensuring queries only hit your WordPress database once per request cycle. The result of this is a faster MailOptin admin dashboard.

For full list of new features, changes and improvement made, see the change log.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a message.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.