How to Generate the Best Leads for Real Estate Business

Today, the world is fast becoming digital. As a result, almost all businesses quickly find their presence on the internet space. This has helped many business owners expand their reach and, thus, make more profit! In this post today, we will learn how to generate the best leads for a real estate business.

Why Lead Generation?

I have been a  freelancer for several years and have found myself on many freelancing platforms. I also have seen many of my customers begging to have some leads generated for them. The truth remains most of these Customers are in Real Estate Business.

Generating the best Leads for a Real Estate Business is one action that would help you reach your business goals since it’s a path to your next big customer.

Before I kick start generating the best leads for your real estate business, I would like to talk about two essential things that would make it easy for you to generate these leads without paying someone else out there.

Importance of Generating Leads

It is imperative for you to generate your business leads. The problem has the best platform to do this, which is a more significant part of what we will learn.

Having your leads makes it easier to know who you are dealing with. When you pay a freelancer to get leads for you, they do this by using software and scrapping the internet. Sometimes, the data you get may not be reliable, but when these leads come from a platform where you are in total control, it becomes easy to speak to your potential clients with such confidence that they will undoubtedly give a response.

Let’s see How to install a platform for your Lead Generation

Generating Leads for Your Real Estate Business

There are two steps to helping you generate the best leads for a real estate business:

Creating The Platform

In this section of the article, I am going to talk about creating the best platform for your lead collection, and this I promise I am going to make as comprehensible as I can

To create your Platform, I am going to introduce you to WordPress.

WordPress offers a very great opportunity for your lead generation. This is because, on WordPress, you can install a webpage or a landing page where your potential clients would be able to see available properties in your catalog and show their interest by reaching out to you to make their inquiries.

Having The Right tools Installed On Your Platform

Having the right tool makes the work of lead generation easy and hassle-free. This is why I will introduce you to one of the best lead generation tools for a real estate business.

Please do not be in haste; I ask that you please keep reading. You will get there.

How to Install WordPress for a Real Estate Business

To install WordPress for a real estate business, there are a few things I must make clear to you

1. Your Domain Name: A Domain name is like your phone number through which Clients can easily reach you.

You can choose your domain name to Represent what you do. For instance, I can choose a domain name, “,” which you can get from or

2. A Host: A Host is like that parcel of land on which your house is built. On this host, you will make your house (Domain Name). You can get one of the cheapest hosting plans from Namecheap, Hostgator, or Bluehost.

3. A WordPress Theme: Now that you are done building your house on a host, it’s time to decorate it such that it can capture your audience. It should offer them such an opportunity to view and read through every detail they may need to be able to reach you finally.

Fortunately, there are a lot of great themes for the real estate business on Themeforest. You need to pick anyone that meets your desires and install it.

Since we have done these, let’s now see how to install WordPress for your real estate business.

To successfully install WordPress for your real estate business, you will need to complete the requirements 1-3 above.

If you have the above requirements, quickly log on to your hosting account Cpanel and provide your Login Details as you find them on the page below:

After you provide your login details, you will be taken to the dashboard, where you will finally be able to install WordPress By Scrolling down to the “Softaculous App Installer” Section, as shown below:

If you have been able to locate the “SOFTACULOUS APP INSTALLER” Section, you will have to click on “WordPress.”

When you click on WordPress, you will be directed to another page where you will install WordPress for the Domain name you just bought.

Quickly Click “Install”

As you click on Install, you will be taken to another page where you will be presented with many options.

The Option you will be interested in is the “Choose Domain,” which allows you to install WordPress for the domain name you just bought for your business.

After installing WordPress, the next thing will be choosing a Theme or installing the one you just purchased from a premium vendor such as Themeforest.

Installing the WordPress Theme requires that you have access to the Theme section of your WordPress site, which is located in the Appearance section, as you can see below:

Theme Section

Now that you have installed WordPress let’s go over to the day’s business – Generating the best leads for your real estate business.

If you’ve successfully installed WordPress for your business, it’s time for you to configure your theme with the necessary details that apply to your business.

Generating Leads For Your Real Estate Business Made easy

Now that you are done configuring the theme with details that apply to your real estate business let’s look at how you can generate Leads with a lot of ease!

I introduce to you MailOptin.

MailOptin is a WordPress Plugin that enables you to perform many lead-generating actions with ease and is specially designed for businesses such as Real Estate.

With MailOptin on your real estate business website, you are guaranteed the best leads.

MailOptin Features

MailOptin’s Lead Generation Feature allows it to do the Job perfectly while you sit back and enjoy the view.

What Makes MailOptin The Best Lead Generation Option for My Real Estate Business right now?

MailOptin is the best option for real estate lead generation because, aside from its Perfect and friendly user interface, it only offers the ability to automate emails to your potential clients!

Optin Forms For Your Potential Clients

MailOptin allows you to create Optin Forms with a lot of AutoResponder email services such as AWeber, Drip, Mailerlite, and MailChimp, to mention a few.

Below is an overview of MailOptin features.

How Does MailOptin Generate Lead?

Once installed and configured on your real estate business website, MailOptin displays on your readers’ screen. This is stylishly done compellingly and irresistibly.

As it comes up, Potential clients registers their name and email address which I guess are the most critical elements of the leads you are looking for

They are also allowed to close the pop-up if they are not interested or do not want to be reached.

Well, I have just shared a few tips on how to generate the best leads for a real estate business.

There are many ways MailOptin could help your business, even if it is not a real estate business, but all that you are required to do is TAKE ACTION today and watch MailOptin get you those leads that matter.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.