8 Email Marketing Strategies to Keep Customers Coming Back

Email marketing is not only about attracting new clients but also about retaining the existing ones. The problem is that global competition is getting stronger and stronger, and today, it’s pretty challenging to keep customers coming back.

If your company is losing regular clients, don’t panic. Check the following email marketing strategies, which will help you to increase brand loyalty and boost repeat purchase.

Collect emails wisely

First of all, if you want to make sure that your email marketing strategy will work effectively, you must collect subscribers’ data in the right way.

What does it mean? Foremost, you shouldn’t request any personal information, which you are not going to use. If you need only email, don’t ask customers to provide their names or phone numbers.

Secondly, make sure that you added privacy notice and consent form to your sign up box. This is GDPR’s requirements you should comply with.

When you collect data by following these two simple rules, you increase your chances to build trust in a relationship with your clients. When recipients feel safe about data security, it’s more likely that they will keep coming back.

Make a great first impression

The first impression always matters. For this reason, it’s important to create a remarkable welcome email. You should demonstrate how happy you are to see this very user among your clients. Feel free to use flattering words and small gifts.

In fact, welcome email in marketing works just like a welcome drink in the hospitality industry does. When you offer your new clients to get something for free or at a low price, they become grateful for your generosity.

As a consequence, gratitude makes customers loyal to the company. It drives repeated purchase and boosts sales.

Use a catchy subject line

Your subject line must be catchy. This is a simple rule, which you must follow under any circumstances. Never forget that your subscribers receive dozens of emails every day and if you use regular titles, there are high chances that your newsletter will be left unopened.

Subject line must immediately grab the user’s attention and drive curiosity. You should come up with intriguing titles to ensure that your newsletters stand out from the crowd. If you significantly increase open rate, you will automatically make your marketing campaign more effective and will retain more customers.

Don’t forget that subject line should always reflect a core message of your email. Moreover, a title should be short to fit small screens.

Take a personal approach

Nowadays, a one-fits-all approach doesn’t work well in email marketing. If you want to boost your efforts, you should personalize your emails.

You should start an email with a recipient’s name to make him/her feel valued. This is a way to show how much you care about your client. Yep, greeting “Hi Jessica!” works much better than “Hi dear subscriber”.

Moreover, if your mailing software allows you to collect data about user activity, you can use this information to better your marketing strategy.  Instead of sending regular newsletters, which contain general information, it’s much more effective to create an email with a special offer for a concrete client.

This is how Booking.com and other travel sites work. For instance, they design special offers based on destinations and dates customer has on the mind.

Apply discount to abandoned checkout email

If you struggle to reduce cart abandonment rate, it’s time to design an effective checkout recovery email. You should add a trigger, which will encourage the customer to make a purchase. Obviously, this trigger always depends on the preferences of your target audience and strategy of your company.

The best way to keep customers coming back is to offer a special discount in the amount of 5-15% or $20-25. In some cases, it’s a good idea to provide free shipping.

Evoke positive emotions

There is one more psychological trick, which you can use to improve your email marketing strategy. Your emails should evoke exceptionally positive emotions.

What do recipients usually feel opening your email? Are they happy at that moment? Or maybe they are angry or indifferent?

The happier your client feels while checking your newsletters, the better attitudes he has toward your brand. In other words, you should design emails, which will put a smile on a recipient’s face.

For this reason, you should always wish your clients “all the best” on holidays and anniversaries. For instance, perfectly crafted Happy Mother’s Day email will definitely touch the recipient’s heart. There is no room for a doubt that it will encourage the customer to visit your website one more time.

Ask for feedback

If you want to keep customers coming back, you should show how much you appreciate the feedback. As a rule, people like to share their opinions about goods and services, especially if some kind of rewards is offered.

You can ask customers to complete a short survey, or leave a comment at your website, or share photo and review on social media. If you want to exchange feedback for reward, make sure that rules of this “exchange” are clear for the subscribers. Otherwise, your email marketing campaign will fail.

Don’t forget to say goodbye

Even if your client has decided to stop using your goods and services, you still have a chance to make him stay. You should design a “goodbye” email, which will force a recipient to change his mind.

This email should have a strong emotional appeal. So, you should find a way to show how your company regrets losing this very client. Feel free to use sad or funny images, GIFs and other visual content to strengthen your message.

For a full comparison and description of the best email marketing service, read this post on FormGet.

In Conclusion

If you want to keep customers coming back, make sure that your email marketing strategy aims at building trustful relationships. You should provide your clients with the support and attention they look for.

Personalize every email, add some humor, use visual content – and you will not leave your audience indifferent. It will help you to boost conversion and generate higher sales.

Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks and empowers using the magic of a word. She is practicing regularly while reviewing new translation services at Pick Writers and constantly contributing to other educational platforms. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. You can find her on Facebook.

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