How to Create a Popup User Registration Form in WordPress

If you run a WordPress membership website where you offer premium services, sell products, or an online forum; creating a user registration form to allow visitors to your website sign up is important.

There are different kinds of WordPress registration forms but a popup form converts better and is easier to use, in that it allows your users to quickly register on your website without leaving the page that they are on. This improves user experience and engagement on your website.

In this article, you will learn how to quickly create a lightbox/modal/popup WordPress user registration form using the MailOptin plugin.

Creating a WordPress Popup Registration Form

Go to the Optin Campaign page and click the Add New button at the top to create an optin form.

Enter a title and select a lightbox optin template or theme to use.

Create new optin campaign

You will then be redirected to the form builder where you have options and the flexibility to customize the optin form to your heart content. You can change the Headline, Description, Note, Fields and others according to your needs. See the screenshot below as example below:

WordPress User Registration

Having finished customizing the form, open the Integration panel, Select WordPress User Registration as integration and the user role to assign to users.

Click on the “Map Custom Fields” button to map any extra fields you added to the form to their corresponding user profile fields.

WordPress Custom Fields Integratiion

To actually get the user registration form to display on your site, toggle the activate switch ON at the top (close to “Save Changes” button).

Navigate to the “Display Rules” panel.

If you want the user registration form to be displayed everywhere (all pages) of your WordPress site, also check “Globally load optin” otherwise use the page-level targeting and triggers to determine how and where in your site the form will be shown.

MailOptin display rules and targetingPage level targeting of optin forms

Finally, save the changes. Preview your website and you should see the registration form displayed. If it doesn’t show up, clear your website and browser cache.


And there you have it! You now know how to create a popup WordPress user registration form using MailOptin plugin. You can now have registered users on your site with a WordPress sign up form.

Get in touch with us if you have any question.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.