How To Show Optin Forms To Logged-in/out WordPress Users


With MailOptin, you can decide who gets to see your optins. MailOptin has three user targeting options you can show your optin forms to:

  • All visitors and users
  • Only logged-in users
  • Only users not logged-in (logged out users)

Update: you can now further target optins to registered users with specific roles.

So, whatever your list building strategy is, you can always use MailOptin to fit into it. Let’s walk through the process of showing your optin forms to either logged-in users, not-logged-in users or all visitors.

Firstly, create an optin form

Navigate to “Optin Campaign”tab

Go to “Customize”“Display Rules”


Click “User Targeting”

In the “User Targeting” settings page, you can use the drop-down menu to select your option. You can show your optin forms to a specific type of visitors.

user-targeting-mailoptinYou also have the option to enable prefilling of forms with the logged in users information.

That is, when users who are logged in to your site want to subscribe, the form will be prefilled with their name and email address.

“Save Changes” just at the top right of the User Targeting page and your new display rule would be applied live in your site.

If you encounter any problem, do not hesitate to contact us.

Tags: Display Rules

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