New in MailOptin: AdBlock, Referrer & New/Returning Visitors Detection, ConvertFox & SendinBlue Integrations, After Conversion Email & More

We are super stoked to announce the release of a new MailOptin version which brings a ton of new features you are going to love.

Without further ado, here are some of the notable additions to MailOptin.

New Display Rules Added

We added three new display rules. AdBlock detection, New vs. Returning visitors targeting and Referrer detection.

The AdBlock detection detect users and visitors to your WordPress site using AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock, uBlock Origin or any built-in browsers ad-blockers so you can display alternative content or message to them such as imploring them to whitelist your site.

Activate WordPress adblock detection

You asked and we listened. Now you can target visitors who are visiting your site for the first time as well as those returning to your site who have previously visited.

New vs Returning visitors segmentation

We’ve also added Referral Detection rule so you can increase conversions with optin campaign and call-to-actions targeted at visitors from a specific traffic source. For example, you can create campaigns to be shown to visitors from Facebook or from search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Referral detection / traffic source visitor targeting

Email Notifications

If you are one of those that requested for notification to be sent to your email whenever a new subscriber is added, rejoice ‘cos it’s finally here.

Go to the After Conversion panel and enter a comma separated list of email addresses to send the email notification to.

Email Notification after user subscribe

Henceforth, you will be notified if any of your optin campaigns are failing to add new leads alongside the error message so you can quickly fix it or notify us if it’s a bug.

Redesigned Settings Page

we’ve redesigned the Settings page to be similar to how the connections/integration dashboard page is laid out (sidebar tab navigation).

New Settings dashboard page

SendinBlue & ConvertFox Integrations

This release saw the inclusion of SendinBlue and ConvertFox email marketing software integrations. You can now use MailOptin optin forms to capture leads on your WordPress sites synced with your account on their platforms.

The SendinBlue integration allows you to send newsletters to your list subscribers each time you publish a new post in WordPress.

For full list of new features, changes and improvement made, see the change log.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a message.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.