MailOptin Update – TutorLMS Integration, WooCommerce Checkout Opt-in & More

These updates introduce significant additions, fixes, and improvements to enhance your overall experience with MailOptin.

Let’s delve into the key changes:


  • Tutor LMS integration: You can now integrate MailOptin with Tutor LMS to add students to a specific email list or audience based on the course they enroll in. You can also assign tags and map customer fields.

  • WooCommerce order-pay opt-in support: Our WooCommerce opt-in integration that subscribes customers to your email marketing list after checkout now supports order-pay checkout.
  • Filter to enable Postmeta storage facility: You can now use a filter to enable Postmeta storage instead of using WooCommerce order metadata.
  • Filter for adding custom HTML attributes to optin form fields: You can now customize your optin forms with our new filter that allows you to add custom HTML attributes to your optin form fields.


  • Fixed bug with range-control slider not updating input value: We have fixed a bug causing the range-control slider to not update the input value in our campaign customizer.
  • Fixed bug in detecting Sendy integration connection status: We have fixed a bug causing the Sendy integration connection status to be incorrectly reported.

These updates aim to enhance the overall functionality and performance of the product. As always, we recommend keeping your software up to date so you can benefit from these improvements and avoid any known issues. If you encounter any problems or have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy updating!

Be sure to update to the latest version to take advantage of this new feature. You can update your MailOptin plugin from your website’s dashboard by navigating to Dashboard>>Updates. You can also download the latest version from your MailOptin account dashboard.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.