MailOptin Recognized with Industry Distinctions for Email Marketing Software by Leading Business Software Directory

A top business software review platform has recognized MailOptin for its ease of use in creating professional-looking opt-in forms for WordPress-powered websites. After conducting a thorough MailOptin review, FinancesOnline awarded us its 2018 Great User Experience and Rising Star awards.

The software directory distinguished MailOptin as a Great User Experience for online email marketing software due to our user-friendly and comprehensive opt-in tools. FinancesOnline bestows this award to software solutions that offer great usability alongside well-designed features. This is an honor for our hard-working team that strives to go above and beyond to ensure our clients can utilize an easy to use plug-in for driving their conversions.

The Great User Experience award can be traced in FinancesOnline’s review, with their experts stating that MailOptin can effectively “nurture and engage your email subscribers without any manual effort.” In addition to this, FinancesOnline praised other functionalities of MailOptin such as its diverse list of opt-in forms, opt-ins that doesn’t affect website performance, drag and drop opt-in builder, and professionally designed opt-in templates.

MailOptin also received FinancesOnline’s Rising Star award, signifying the continuous growth in popularity of our opt-in plug-in alongside a highly positive user feedback. We were also recommended as one of the top email marketing software alternatives. At present, MailOptin holds a 100 percent user satisfaction rating on FinancesOnline, and we encourage all users to leave a user review and share their experience with our plug-in.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.