Effective Email Marketing During Covid-19: Tips and Examples

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on all of our lives in the past few months. The economy and consequently businesses across the world have been widely affected. In these troubled and uncertain times, keeping positive and staying hopeful is only apparent as all businesses must adopt new ways to keep offering needed products and services to their customers.

However, many are still asking questions on how to go around the gloominess and uncertainty that fills the air.

No one has all the answers but the best way to explore how to stay strong for ourselves and stay united is by communication.

Email marketing remains a cost-effective and reliable way to talk to customers. With everyone at home, email engagement has increased.

Truly, things have changed. Hence, how you communicate with your customers via your emails must also change, so as to remain most relevant and supportive to them.

First, you should look into making adjustments on your email marketing campaign in the following areas.

Reduce the frequency of your emails

If you send out emails every week on post updates and product sales. This is not the time to frequently get product sales in the faces of customers.

Sending them emails that are not relevant to their situation will only put them off. You should plan to only send relevant emails that are crafted to convey specific messages.

Re-segment your audience

This is time to segment your email marketing list again. You should send emails more relevant to the circumstance of your audience and who they are. Customers will connect with your brand when you truly communicate with a sense of understanding of their current situation.

For instance, if you are a B2C business, you should segment your email list into essential workers and non-essential workers. Also taking account of those who belong to industries that might be suffering so much at this time, such as the travel industry.

Once you have effected some changes in your campaign, make the following more adjustments.

Get personal and give out discounts and freebies to your segmented audience

In these trying times, there are those who are going out of their way to save lives. You can offer them special discounts and freebies on the products they need. To show that your business is in solidarity with this fight against the pandemic. You can also go an extra mile of designing complementary products, services and offers to them.

Offer information on how customers can stay happy

While a lot of us are at home, the right information is much needed. Most people are tired of seeing scary numbers and conspiracy theories. They are looking for positivity where they can find it. You should consider sending tips on how to stay entertained and happy at this time. Such as a music list, how to keep you kids engaged, top courses to learn or DIY tricks and tips.

Offer guides on how your audience can navigate the pandemic especially with the help of your product, if relevant.

If you are looking at ways to offer products for sale, you should consider relevant products that can help your customers have a better stay at home and stay safe. Communicating updates on how your business is trying to adjust to the new normal are also important. What are the changes that they should expect from your business? Try not to communicate every detail of your business continuity plan, so it doesn’t seem like you are bragging about how well your business is doing.

If your customers are B2B businesses. You can send them checklists, guides, organize webinars on how they can keep their Business afloat and remain relevant.

Promote social distancing and ways to curb the spread of disease

You can design your email copy in such a way that it helps promote social distancing and safe practices. Some brands have been able to modify their logos in the bid to campaign for safe practices at this time.

If you couldn’t invest in changing your branding, you can also decide to add a simple safe practice tip at the end of your email copy.

Always reminding your customers that you are aware of the situation and you are part of the campaign to reduce the spread is important.

Encourage more communication

Your emails should tell customers that you are open to questions and you are available to support them because you understand people might have more questions and need more support at this time.

If you are a B2B business, You can explore setting up webinars for training and guidelines on how to utilize your product or service for better results.


This is a time to put empathy at the forefront of your communication. Don’t try to be too funny, because you are trying to grab attention. Your emails should communicate understanding and empathy.

It is a trying time for all of us, but the way to beat it is to stay united as we do the right thing. While people must remain physically apart, the only way to keep unity and growth is to keep communication virtually.

Hence, this is one of the best times to use your email marketing effectively with the aim of keeping communication with your customers. Key adjustments in segmentation and communication tone will help you ensure better and effective communication.

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