7 of The Best WordPress Plugins for Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a powerful email marketing platform. I believe you know that already. Probably that is why you’re reading this post on the best Mailchimp WordPress plugin.

As long as you have a website, email marketing is a valuable strategy. You can use it to turn visitors into customers. Forget about the report from many corners that email marketing is dead.

That is far from the truth. With the help of Mailchimp and valuable plugins like MailOptin, email marketing is alive and kicking.

Mailchimp is a web-based email marketing service. It helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. Is easy to setup, use and is totally free for up to 2,000 subscribers – including automation, A/B testing, landing pages, and custom templates

There are tons of plugins that integrate well with Mailchimp, but here are some of the best WordPress plugins for MailChimp.

  1. MailOptin

MailOptin provides seamless integration with WordPress. It grows your Mailchimp email list by displaying targeted opt-in forms across your WordPress website with popups, slide ins, notification bars, before & after post subscription forms, sidebar widgets and lots more.

MailChimp integration panel

Unlike other alternatives in the market, MailOptin goes a step further to ensure your email list subscribers, readers or customers are nurtured and constantly engaged using its suite of event-triggered and automated emails such as new post notification, email digest and newsletters.

Overall Benefits

  • Different types of opt-in form such as Popup, Notification Bar, Inline, Scroll Box, Slide Ins, Sidebar Forms.
  • Event triggered emails to keep your subscribers engaged such as new blog post notification, welcoming messages and email digests.
  • Ton of professionally designed, mobile responsive and conversion optimized opt-in forms and email templates.
  • Page level targeting and optin triggers to build hyper segmented email list
  • Analytics with actionable reporting & insights to improve your lead-generation strategy and make data-driven decisions that will increase your revenue.

If you are just starting or you are a professional, MailOptin is a plugin I know you won’t regret investing on. I use it on my site, and those of my clients.

  1. MailChimp for WordPress

MailChimp for WordPress is yet another impressive plugin which helps you create powerful newsletters for your subscribers. It seamlessly integrates with MailChimp email marketing platform. You can create attractive opt-in forms or integrate the plugin with any existing form on your website.

The good thing about it is that it works with the latest versions of WordPress and alongside many other plugins, as well.

  1. Another MailChimp Widget

Another MailChimp Widget is a simple plugin that does exactly what the name says. This plugin adds a form widget to your site and lets your visitors sign up for your MailChimp lists and groups.

The widget is simple to add; you just have to provide your MailChimp API key and drag the widget into your sidebar area from the widgets section of the WordPress dashboard. Next, you just select the mailing list and make any necessary customization to the widget.

  1. MailChimp Forms by Optin Cat

MailChimp Forms is a tool that helps you increase the number of email subscribers with attractive and custom MailChimp forms.

You can add the forms either with shortcodes or automatically to the bottom of posts or pages. The forms are responsive and integrates with analytics to let you know how they are performing.

It comes with a range of form display types, including post boxes, sidebar widgets, and lightbox pop-ups.

  1. Easy Forms for MailChimp

Easy Forms for MailChimp lets you create unlimited forms for any of your MailChimp lists. The plugin allows you to schedule forms and use localised dates and times for users.

You can fully customize messages sent to your users, disable default MailChimp welcome emails, redirect users to other posts after subscription, remove subscribers from your admin area, and more. Above all, you can add them anywhere on your site, including in widget areas, and use built-in CSS classes to give the forms additional stylised features.

  1. MailChimp Forms by MailMunch

This plugin allows you to easily add MailChimp sign-up forms to your website. You can add the forms to any of your posts or pages, the sidebar, or the top bar. You also have an option to display them as pop-ups. The forms are responsive and fully customizable. Its features includes page targeting and A/B testing functionalities to improve conversion.

  1. WooCommerce MailChimp

This is yet another plugin that provides MailChimp integration for WooCommerce. It allows you to automatically assign a customer to preferred email lists or MailChimp interest groups upon starting or completing an order.

The plugin supports a double opt-in option and allows you to make adjustments to the opt-in checkbox settings. You can set one or more interest groups and add users to them based on the specific list to which they belong.


With the above plugins list, I believe you can now make an informed decision. Choose anyone of your choice and integrate seamlessly with Mailchimp. If you need any help, let me know in the comments below. I will do my best to respond to you.

Thank you.

Lead Generation & Email Automation Plugin

Install MailOptin today to convert your visitors to email subscribers and engage them with automated newsletters whenever you publish new blog posts.